A Fine Selection. Confirmed Festival Finale

Person nearly invisible behind rays of colors

Photo: Daniela Bershan

A Fine Selection. Confirmed. will end with a Festival Finale created by Tove Dreiman together with Baba Electronica, who will DJ.

See you there!

Tove Dreiman works with art and set design based in Stockholm. In collaborative and independent projects within various contexts and disciplines her work moves between installation, painting, ceramics, textile and video. With a background in image making and a fondness for fake she often return to explore the verge of the two- and three dimensional and strive for a space where imitations and illusions can flourish.
Within the field of dance Tove has collaborated with coreographers Ellen Söderhult, Klara Utke Acs, Lisen Pousette and Stina Nyberg. In Sweden her works have been presented at Marabouparkens Konsthall, Gärden Subway station, Norbergfestivalen, Bångska Våningen, Crum Heaven, MDT among others and Art Lab Akiba and Midori.so2 in Tokyo. Parts of these projects can be seen at tovedreiman.se

Daniela Bershan aka Baba Electronica is a love worker using visual arts, performance, music making and social organization around topics of collective study, care-making and practices of (non-sexual) intimacy. In her work she conceptualizes not just the characteristics of her materials but with and through them the skills and objects they can be read with: the DJ, the remixer, the researcher, the love-worker are dissecting choreographies and scores in order to make tangible how they operate; and enable to organize relations otherwise. They are committed to experiment and circulate with queering tools.