Autumn programme release

Audience during Lake Life

Photo: Bea Borgers

We have already released the tickets for our season opening, Lake Life by Kate McIntosh! Lake Life is an interactive performance meant for young and old to experience together that explores our fluidity and how to deal with the feeling of stuckness in the company of others.

On the 7th of August we will release our full Autumn programme that will begin in September. We look forward to sharing a programme that will present the future and the cutting edge of both dance and choreography, with a mix of local and international artists. The programme also contains no less than two (!) festivals.

Until then we also recommend reading about In the Mirror of Care Work, a symposium that will pre-open the autumn at MDT 5-6 September, run by performance artist Inga Gerner Nielsen and choreographer Ar Utke Acs.

Have a lovely summer!