Adriano Wilfert Jensen works with dance and choreography to analyse and produce conditions for relations. His practice includes making, performing, curating, representing and dealing choreography, dancing for and with other artists, as well as a number of other occupations like a series of cocktail hangouts, publications, research projects, teaching etc. Together with Simon Asencio he is since 2014 running Galerie – an immaterial gallery for immaterial artworks. With Anna Gaïotti, Emma Daniel and Linda Blomqvist he developed “Indigo Dance Festival” (2014 – 2017) and “Indigo Dance Magazine” (2016). Other works include “Strohhalmen (Straws)” (2014), “Debut” (2013) collaboration with Sandra Lolax and Pontus Pettersson, “Spending Time With Dinosaurs” with Emma Daniel (2012).