Kristin Nango

Tender Walks Being Woven

close image of someones shoes and a small patch of greenery on a mountain.

On June 7th, starting at 18:00, you can join the interwoven outdoor programme that includes the joik work Gulahallat Eatnamiin: We Speak Earth by Ánte Mikkel Gaup & Inger Biret Gaup, the dance ritual Bones by Amanda Piña and Walking, drumming, dancing by Tone Johannessen & Mariê Mazer / Rhizome collective. The evening ends with appeals and a party!

Partly outdoors, meeting point: MDT’s upper entrance, Slupskjulsvägen 32

We 7.6.2023, 18:00-21:00, MDT

Th 8.6.2023, 18:00-19:00, MDT

Th 8.6.2023, 12:00-13:00, MDT

Fr 9.6.2023, 18:00-19:00, MDT

Fr 9.6.2023, 12:00-13:00, MDT

Sa 10.6.2023, 18:00-19:00, MDT

Sa 10.6.2023, 12:00-13:00, MDT

Su 11.6.2023, 18:00-19:00, MDT

Su 11.6.2023, 12:00-13:00, MDT

Free admission

In your own time honoring long timelines and remembering futures. An outdoor listening walk to be listened to in co-creation with the earth and ground, sky and waters ... weaving places roots and senses of connections. To be listened to whilst walking in physical Being With-ness and as a score of co-creation with challenged places on earth. 

Tender Walks Being Woven is a sensory-based attentive audio walk that you can download to your phone and listen to in yor headphones. To emphasize the kinesthetic empathy of collectivity, the work will be shared two times a day during the festival.

Kristin Nango

Kristin Nango [NO] is a Norwegian/Sami performance maker, choreographer, poetic mover and walker based in Nesodden, Norway.  She is currently questioning human listening and being with land, plants and animal life – with a special concern of time and temporalities. She creates within the artistic media of sound, listening-walks, poetry and choreography. Her latest work Being With: Deeper Softs was investigating Wik forest. Being With is her artistic practice developed in collaboration with land, deeply inspired by indigenous perspectives.

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Thanks to

Alice MacKenzie (contributing voice, and sounds from Gállok) and the ones participating and co-creating Dances and Songs of Earth symposium (2022), to Gállok and Svartskog area, to the earth that sustain us and to all our relations.
