Juli Apponen

Blind Boi Diaries

A blurry picture of Sindri Runudde in front of a white wall.

Photo: Hanna Reidmar.

Visually description available in Swedish.

We 3.5.2017, 20:00-21:00, MDT

Th 4.5.2017, 20:00-21:00, MDT

“The canary sometimes has a mirror in their cage, because it believes that the mirror image is another bird. When I see a semblance of myself in a mirror and happen to think that it’s someone else, or when I do not know if it’s my best friend or a stranger standing in front of me, I wonder if I’ve turned into that bird.”

"Blind Boi Diaries" is an autobiographical solo of the dancer and artist Sindri Runudde, who seven years ago unexpectedly lost most of their vision. Based on personal stories, experiences and premises, it explores perceptive displacements and inevitable limitations. When one can not really see what you create, or even know if there is someone in the audience, what is an autobiography and a self-image in a work? In the non-visual, sound gives more meaning and words are power. Without necessarily respecting chronological orders, an eclectic collage is built from movement and stories which reflect life’s chaos.

Is an autobiography a way to re-create or understand yourself, and if so, what is it we then choose to re-create or understand? What are the conditions and the aesthetics that get to dominate? What does directing someone else’s autobiography mean?

“My master said it does not give meaning to just jog on a road. I ran outside and straight into a fence.”

Juli Apponen

Juli Apponen is an artist who works in several different configurations as a performer, choreographer and director. Based on the autobiographical, she has previously created acclaimed performances as: Life is hard and then you die – part 3, a text-based performance lecture and in a duo collaboration JULI/JON a choreography Everything Remains.

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Light and scenography

Sound design/music

With support from

SMart produktionshus

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