Hana Lee Erdman


Black and white illustration of figures reminding of mountains holding each other

Illustration: Gretchen Blegen

Th 17.3.2022, 20:00-20:40, MDT

Fr 18.3.2022, 20:00-20:40, MDT

Sa 19.3.2022, 20:00-20:40, MDT

Su 20.3.2022, 15:00-15:40, MDT

Animals, plants, aliens, ancestors, ghosts, mountains, the ocean – the more-than-human approach recruits ambassadors every year to assist training sensorial skills and intuitive forms of knowing. Take for example the horse herd, organized though non-predatory forms of power and leadership and the various group roles of: leader, dominant, nurturer, and sentinel, all assigned to different behaviors, duties and even producing specific hormones necessary for the continuation and flourishing of their familial herd. What could we ask them about companionship, telepathy, touch?

Six women are dancing together, weaving pathways of terrestrial gestures and breath, seeping into a matrix of micro and macro worlds. The curiosity. The reach. The togetherness. The differentiation. Some things you only get from dancing, from the figure in flight, in the blur of movement, between forms and caught in emergent fantastical embodiments, simultaneously musical and gentle. They offer a quality of attention that you can rest upon, like a soft cloud, like the rolling hills of home, like the dog wagging his tail. This space is contemplating the notion of attunement, my cosmic meeting yours.

Hana Lee Erdman

Hana Lee Erdman is a US American artist based in Stockholm and Berlin, working within the field of dance and choreography. Central in her work is the notion of companionship as an orientation and organizing principle, from which she creates works across a wide range of kinds; namely dance, performance, social choreography, installation, video and sound. Her work has been produced and presented internationally in galleries, museums, theaters, churches, workshops, national parks and publications. Together with Louise Dahl she is engaged in a long-term research and collaboration which has resulted in several dance creations.

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Choreography assistant

Light Design

Costume Styling




Hallen in Farsta, MDT

Supported by

The Swedish Arts Council, Stockholm Stad

Special thanks to

Anna Grip and Lotta Dahl

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