dragON forever

red spotlight on three dancers

Photo: Nataliya Sidorenko

Th 9.11.2023, 20:00-21:00, MDT Stage

Fr 10.11.2023, 20:00-21:00, MDT Stage

Sa 11.11.2023, 20:00-21:00, MDT Stage

Su 12.11.2023, 16:30-17:30, MDT Stage

"dragON forever" is not only a performance, it is a never ending party as well as the final part of the trilogy "dragON". At the centre sits the question: What can lip-synced choreography be?  

"dragON forever" is the third part of the choreographic trilogy "dragON", which borrows its practice principles from the drag scene. After "dragON aka PONY", and "dragON aka PHOENIX", the trio Aleksandar Georgiev, Zhana Pencheva and Darío Barreto Damas (who together form the artistic team STEAM ROOM) are now turning their attention to the practice of lip syncing in relation to choreography and dance. 

"dragON forever" is an evening of eternity. A catwalk of masterpieces, failures, virtuosities and vulnerabilities. A motor with great kinetic impact. A party with no end. A glorious celebration of the potentials our aspirations hold. Riding along with what at first could be experienced as dull and superficial, STEAM ROOM puts an end to a journey of pleasure and joy which echo will last forever.

As an artistic team, STEAM ROOM situates itself somewhere between MTV dance videos and Western postmodern dance, offering an approach to dance that can be both intellectual, humorous and anti-elitist.


STEAM ROOM (Macedonia, Bulgaria, Spain, Sweden) is an artistic team working within the field of choreography and dance. The team is formed by Aleksandar Georgiev, Zhana Pencheva and Darío Barreto Damas, three choreographers/dancers actively operating locally and internationally. STEAM ROOM was formed in 2018 and works simultaneously in two directions, the choreographic trilogy dragON and the project institution ICC (Imaginative Choreographic Center).

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epic and favourite songs


Tsvetan Momchilov

Costume, stage

Mihaela Dobreva

Light Design

Grace Morales

Video work

Nataliya Sidorenko

Graphic design

Gjorgji Despodov


Garage Collective


Köttinspektionen Dans and MDT Moderna Dansteatern


Ministry of Culture of Bulgaria, Municipality of Sofia, National Cultural Fund of Bulgaria, Station Service for contemporary dance, Nomad Dance Academy, Dance On, Pass On, Dream On project and the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union. 

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