BamBam Frost

Lydia Östberg Diakité

Global Majority showing of immortal summit

Two people sitting on a beanbag, wearing black sunglasses, black shoes and full denim.

Photo: Märta Thisner

Su 14.11.2021, 20:00-21:00, MDT

This is a Global Majority showing. Please only book for this performance (Sunday 14th Nov, 16:00) if you identity with this term.

‘Global Majority refers to people who are Black, African, Asian, Brown, dual-heritage, indigenous to the Global South, and or, have been racialised as ‘ethnic minorities’. The term ‘Global Majority’ responds to the fact that these groups represent the majority of the world’s population’. The term was coined by Rosemary Campbell-Stephens MBE, a Black, of African Caribbean descent and heritage, specifically Jamaican parentage, British educator and Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Education, University of London. Campbell-Stephen writes that her ‘identity does not exist in relation to whiteness and transcends my geographic place of birth. I am part of the Global Majority’.

"immortal summit" is an expansion, beyond everything we ever thought about greatness. Imagine that Bagger 288 and IC 1101
fades in comparison. "immortal summit" does everything, is the greatest, the best, the most beautiful and above all -
It is immortal. What lies beyond the peak of our immortality? Galaxies are great, we are greater.

“odödlig topp/immortal summit” is a performance that stretches between ideas of greatness
and megalomania. A play on the borderline of provocation and play, violence and care, revolution and failure.

BamBam Frost

BamBam Frost is a dancer and choreographer based in Stockholm, Sweden. She graduated from Stockholm University of the Arts, with a bachelor of contemporary dance in 2013. In her work she has moved between the club scene, commercial work, the contemporary dancefield and art institutions. In 2018 she debuted with her piece SORRY.

SORRY (2018), SO SORRY (2019), and YES (2020) all take off from her interest in social dances and pop culture phenomena in relation to the times and contexts they arose from. In her work she insists on pleasure and fiction as a compass to imagine and shape choreographic proposals. “immortal summit” and “choreographic conversation” were created together with Lydia Östberg Diakité and both premiered in 2021.

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Lydia Östberg Diakité

Lydia Östberg Diakité is a dancer, choreographer and union organizer who since 2013 is based in Copenhagen. Ö. Diakité is inspired by and refers in its work to popular cultural phenomena, hyper-performativity, contemporary criticism and tenderness. These themes and concepts are embodied in the works EMBRACE and CRY BABY. Ö. Diakité works with an intersectional feminist approach in artistic processes and practices decolonization of art production and sees a value in shaping new collective realities. Ö. Diakité laid the foundation for Dance Cooperative and runs it together with 15 artists in Copenhagen. Since 2019, Ö. Diakité is on the board of The Union, a workers union that works towards the elimination of racism on the culture and art scene in Denmark.

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Idea, choreography, performers

Session Musicians

Sound Design

Light Design



Konstnärskollektivet Interim Kultur


Turnéslingan Tre scener (MDT, Atalante & Dansstationen), Norrlandsoperan, Dansehallerne and Life Long Burning – Towards a sustainable Eco-System for Contemporary Dance in Europe project (2018-2022).

Supported by

the Swedish Arts Council, City of Stockholm, Region Stockholm and the Swedish Arts Grants Committee

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Life Long Burning