Benjamin Vandewalle

Yoann Durant


A picture of a fur ball against a white background.

Picture: Casey Reas - Courtesy DAM Gallery.

Th 31.8.2017, 18:00-19:00, MDT

Th 31.8.2017, 20:00-21:00, MDT

Fr 1.9.2017, 18:00-19:00, MDT

Fr 1.9.2017, 20:00-21:00, MDT

"Hear" is an auditive choreography that unfolds around and in between the audience. Choreographer Benjamin Vandewalle and composer Yoann Durant are developing a human soundscape that explores the physical power of sound. For every edition of "Hear", they work with a choir of local volunteers. This way, every performance has a unique voice.

Benjamin and Yoann are concernd with sound but go beyond its emitter, receptor and aesthetics. The matter of sound – the being, the becoming, the existence and the visual reality of sound as such. "Hear" doesn’t emphasize your physical body, yet its limits are tested, shifting and expanding to other bodies. You are here in "Hear". And over there. And there. Sound is everywhere and all the time.

Benjamin Vandewalle

Benjamin Vandewalle studied at the Royal Ballet School of Antwerp and graduated at P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels in 2006. Since early on, the central theme in his work is perception. He creates movement – not only in the performer’s body but also in the spectator’s. His work is about sharing new experiences and perspectives with a large audience.

For the performances Birdwatching (2009) and One/Zero (2011), he worked closely with visual artist and scenographer Erki De Vries. In 2012 he stepped out of the black box into the public space. His mobile performance Birdwatching 4×4 was a festival favourite amongst audience and critics and toured for several seasons. At this moment Benjamin is touring the intimate installation Inter-view (2013) as well as the sound choreography Hear(2016). For both pieces he works closely with local participants. Benjamin is also working on several new installations and performances for public space. Benjamin Vandewalle is interested in dance education and is a dedicated teacher for children, amateurs, students as well as professionals. He was guest teacher at the KASK and MUDA and also created a guest choreography for Passerelle (Kortrijk, BE). He collaborated with the dance school Nyakaza in South Africa, launched the project Comfusao in Mozambique and accompanied a group of P.A.R.T.S. dance students during an exchange project in Senegal. Together with philosopher Jan Cnops and a group of school children from Molenbeek (Brussels) he made the documentaries (un)usual and Movements.

Benjamin Vandewalle is Artist in Residence at Kaaitheater from 2017 to 2021.

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Yoann Durant

Yoann Durant is composer and improviser. He plays the saxophone (soprano & alto), custom-built washing-machine tube and garden hose, acoustic and electrified.

He owns a Master’s degree from the jazz and improvised music class of the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris, a state certificate of jazz teacher and several certificates of musical studies and classical, contemporary and jazz music. He also studied contemporary music and Northern Indian music.

Yoann Durant practices a double reading of sound in his compositions. He considers both a sound in itself, in its solitude, as well as its inherent articulation in relation to other sounds, to space, to body, and to breath. He created performances as the solo seul and the group performance sousentendu. He is touring internationally with bands like OO, Rétroviseur and Irène and artists like Marten Spangberg, Andrea Neumann, Tim Berne, Perrine Bailleux, …

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Concept, creation, composition


Local volunteers

External ears

Peter Lenaerts, Sunna Ardal, Leonie Persyn, Samir Hachichi, Nadira Hachichi, Sarah Klenes.

Executive production


Vooruit (Gent, BE) & Trafó (Budapest, HU) in the frame of the European Network [DNA] DEPARTURES AND ARRIVALS co-financed by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union, Kaaitheater (Brussel, BE), Provinciaal Domein Dommelhof (Neerpelt, BE), Lieux Publics (Marseille, FR) Residencies workspacebrussels (Brussel, BE), Kaaitheater (Brussel, BE), Vooruit (Gent, BE).

Supported by

Flemish authorities. This presentation is part of [DNA] DEPARTURES AND ARRIVALS, which is co-financed by the Creative Europe Program of the European Union.

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