Part of double bill with Ellen Söderhult, "How to do things with Romance: a prologue" and "RUDY".
Mo 5.6.2017, 19:00-21:00, MDT
"How to do things with Romance" is a choreographic project that aims to investigate romance out of a sociological, feminist and cultural historical perspective. The point of departure for defining romance and the romantic is what could be considered an internalized and mainstream idea of romance, strongly influenced by Hollywood films, music and music videos of the western music industry. As a notion, romance holds a spectra of feelings such as passion, affinity, affection, tenderness, empathy, compassion and devotion. But one could argue, that the dominant idea of romance is also shaped by naturalized narcissism promoted by marketing and advertisement, consumerism and individualism as dominant ideologies taken for granted to the brink of made invisible. The way capitalism connects responsibility to ownership has also marked romance. This dance by many is an attempt to propose, perform and speculate in other interpretations of the romantic.
Thinking of romance as portrayed in movies, music videos, TV-series, it appears as having not so much to do with content, as with a use of effects to create or reinforce stereotypes, norms and produce specific desires and dreams, deeply grounded in consumerism and the idea of ownership. The piece rests on an interest in what could happen if the positive properties of romance were reinterpreted and used to other ends. Also, how does romance relate to love, or to a less exclusive understanding of the notions such as this one: ”Courtly love does not love the self any more than it loves the whole universe in a celestial or religious way” (Bodies without organs, A thousand Plateaus by Gilles Deleuze och Félix Guattari, 1987). This dance is a throw as in the etymological meaning of dance and ballet – ballein – ballistics – to throw as if to hit. It is a wilful throw off balance to lose the meaning of romance and perform it anew. Welcome to something like a riot grrrl influenced punk ballet.
Ellen Söderhult is a dancer and choreographer living in Stockholm. Her most recent piece GROV (ROUGH) deals with the monstrous feelings and textures of bittersweet love. Previous choreographic works have often concerned the collective as a protagonist and texture in sound and movement. As in the team-sporty punk ballet How to do things and with Romance and Rudy, as well as in pieces where choir singing and vibrating base has been central elements such as Shane et al and DUNKA DUNKA.
Her work has been shown at venues such as Heizhaus (Berlin), Black Box (Oslo), Dansehallerne, Danseatelier (Copenhagen), Bastun och Båthuspaviljongen (Mariehamn), Ateneum (Helsinki), Dansstationen (Malmö), Dansmässan/Scenkonstmuséet, MDT, Weld, Hägerstensåsens medborgarhus (Stockholm), DansPlats Skog (Stråtjära), Dansinitiativet (Luleå) and Massmanska kvarnen (Ronneby).
Ellen performs for and collaborates with others, such as Marvil Iglesias and Catarina Zarazua Mujo, Sindri Runudde, Iki Gonzalez Magnusson, Johanssons Pelargoner och Dans, Stina Nyberg, Nadja Hjorton and Sorour Darabi. In 2015 she initiated an open source platform for exchange within artistic practices called Nobody’s Business together with Eleanor Bauer and Alice Chauchat. Ellen is educated at DOCH/SKH and received the Cullberg award in 2022.
Costume design and embroidery
Light design
Nordisk Kulturfond, Kulturkontakt Nord, Kulturfonden för Sverige och Finland, Stockholms Stad, Ålands Kulturdelegation, Köttinspektionen Dans, Danseatelier, Nordens Institut på Åland.
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