Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir

In the Blind Spot

A woman standing in front of a red stage curtain, facing from the camera.

Photo: Benjakon.

Mo 11.4.2016, 20:00-21:00, MDT

Tu 12.4.2016, 20:00-21:00, MDT

“In the Blind Spot” takes the notion of letting go as its starting point and leads the body to the edge of collapse and utter surrendering. It strives to transform the supposed weakness of the spent body into something positive and celebrate it as the refusal of the achievement imperative, the fullness of its fragility revealing the unseen location of the non-resistant resistance. “In the Blind Spot” expounds a very physical movement language, extracting the usual limits of identity and (self) assertion by its very softness. With limitless non-aggression it reveals and provokes simultaneously. The project radically puts the singular body as the centre piece. As if under a magnifying glass, hidden insides are brought to light.

The performance “In the Blind Spot” belongs to the “Blind Spotting Performance Series” launched in 2014 by Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir. It is simultaneously the a commissioned first part of Angela Schubot’s 2015 solo trilogy “Körper ohne Macht” (Powerless Bodies).

The Blind Spotting Performance Series

“In the Blind Spot” takes the notion of letting go as its starting point and leads the body to the edge of collapse and utter surrendering. It strives to transform the supposed weakness of the spent body into something positive and celebrate it as the refusal of the achievement imperative, the fullness of its fragility revealing the unseen location of the non-resistant resistance. “In the Blind Spot” expounds a very physical movement language, extracting the usual limits of identity and (self) assertion by its very softness. With limitless non-aggression it reveals and provokes simultaneously. The project radically puts the singular body as the centre piece. As if under a magnifying glass, hidden insides are brought to light.

The performance “In the Blind Spot” belongs to the “Blind Spotting Performance Series” launched in 2014 by Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir. It is simultaneously the a commissioned first part of Angela Schubot’s 2015 solo trilogy “Körper ohne Macht” (Powerless Bodies).

Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir

Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir was born and raised in Iceland. She studied dance at the Artez University of Arts in Arnhem and Amsterdam. Along side working as a performer with various artists in Europe, Margrét Sara co-founded the production house Panic Productions in Iceland, with dancer and choreographer Sveinbjörg Þórhallsdóttir, which was active from 2004 – 2009, and focused on producing and initiating collaborative performance works with international artists. Margrét Sara has toured internationally with her own work since 2010 and currently lives and works in Berlin. Displaying the politics of intimacy is a core theme within her choreographic work while working with and exploring pathologies of the social political body within our own bodies. Margrét Sara has collaborated with a consistent team of performers over the last five years and the soundscapes which accompany the works are exclusively created by and with Peter Rehberg (PITA),electronic composer and director of the record label Editions MEGO, Austria. In 2015 Margrét Sara became artist in residence at the Cullberg Ballet in Stockholm. Creating her  second commissioned work for the Cullberg Ballet in 2017. She teaches periodically at the Icelandic Dance company, dance department of the Art University of Iceland, BA dance program at DOCH in Stockholm and choreography department of the Art University of Helsinki.

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Direction, choreography, costume, set design


Thanks to

Zohar Frank

Company management & PR

björn & björn


produced by Angela Schubot in collaboration with SOPHIENSÆLE, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, CDC Uzès Danse, Theater Freiburg, Schwankhalle Bremen and ImPulsTanz Wien, MDT Stockholm

Funded by

the Hauptstadtkulturfonds

Supported by

Tanzfabrik Berlin and ada Studio

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