Mårten Spångberg

La Nature IRL

Six people dancing in a green urban space, wearing construction clothes and sport clothes.

Fr 6.10.2017, 20:00-21:00, MDT

Sa 7.10.2017, 20:00-21:00, MDT

I always wanted to be a documentary film maker, are you like serious. On my school notebook, on my desk and the trees on the sand and the snow I write your name. On all the flesh that says yes on the forehead of my friends on every hand held out I write your name. Liberty. Easy Rider, both versions, we are really many here – China. We do stretching into the future, for no particular reason. A dance is a smokescreen for having a conflict. Love scene is nothing more than that and nobody really wanted to know what it was because when we know it’s like time is speeding up and there is nothing there for me anymore. I mean not what’s in it for me, I mean the other way around but still there.

Only the trees can give us that time, and does it without asking for permission. We on the other hand, we want to guide and be guided but since we do we do a dance instead of the love scene. It’s nobody’s fault so everybody can be blamed.

Nature FR is what it is called, but is not it’s name. It’s name is Smokescreen, but the name it is called is Love scene and all of it’s live, almost live, half life, undead, screaming dad and then we take a break, maybe. Homeopathic and it’s just so touching.

It will also be a lot of dance and really nice music – great sound system – skin of course and quickly, branches from trees. We hope you like that.

Mårten Spångberg

Mårten Spångberg (b. 1968) is a choreographer living and working in Brussels and Stockholm. His interest concerns dance in an expanded field, something he has approached through experimental practice in a multiplicity of formats and expressions. He has been active on stage as a performer and creator since 1994, and since 1999 has been creating his own choreographies, from solos to larger scale works, which have toured internationally. Under the label International Festival, Spångberg collaborated with architect Tor Lindstrand and engaged in social and expanded choreography. From 1996-2005 he organised and curated festivals in Sweden and internationally, and in 2006 initiated the network organisation INPEX. He has considerable experience in teaching both theory and practice. From 2008-2012, he directed the MA pro- gramme in choreography at the University of Dance in Stockholm. In 2011, his first book, Spangbergianism, was published. Mårten Spångberg is professor in dramaturgy and choreography at Oslo National Academy of The Arts, departments of dance and theatre. Mårten Spångberg is associated artist at Black Box teater Oslo, 2017-2018. His more recent works La Substance, but in English, The Internet, Natten and Gerhard Richter, une pièce pour le théâtre has gained extensive international recognition.

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Supported by

The Swedish Art Council, The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Stockholm City Cultural Council.


Black Box teater (Oslo), MDT (Stockholm), Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo (Madrid). Mårten Spångberg is associated artist at Black Box teater (Oslo) 2017-2018.

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