80% seminar – Fantasmical Anatomies: an auscultation

Pieces of furniture and objects reminding of a therapist office in a dance studio

Free entrance.

Fr 3.5.2019, 10:00-12:00, MDT

Anne Juren is a doctoral candidate at Uniarts/Stockholms konstnärliga högskola and is presenting her 80% seminar at MDT. Studies on the Fantasmical anatomy is based onartistic experience in unfolding the relation between movement and language as a choreographer, dancer and Feldenkrais practitioner. Anns relation to the Feldenkrais Method is both as a dancer and practitioner, she have been expanding it over a larger research which includes poetic, fantastical, speculative, imaginative dimensions and unfolding it into a Fantasmical Anatomy as real as a piece of bone. As a method of investigation, Ann develop choreographies in the format of experimental lessons and private sessions exploring how phantasms trouble some established notions of anatomy. Some larger questions grounding this research address the concept of the body in our post-human time, the boundaries of the body, what defines the conception of those limits and how far these apprehensions can be transformed. It can be understood as an effort to reject individualism and turn not to nihilism, but rather, forge a wholly new understanding of a non-unitary subject, who is inherently embedded within a planetary whole.

For the 80% seminar, Ann Juren will present the research Studies on Fantasmical Anatomy as a performative presentation in which the different materials of the research will be exposed and presented.

The seminar will open with a presentation of the research in the form of a lesson followed by a reenactment of a Fantasmical anatomy session with two patients. Some documentation will be exposed to present the different transferal objects gathered and created during the research. Daniela Finzi, the research director at the Sigmund Freud Museum in Vienna will be the opponent for the seminar. She will give her response and reflection, followed by an open discussion.

Participants: Anne Juren. Opponent: Daniela Finzi. Supervisors: André Lepécki and Sandra Noeth. Patients: Eleonora Ciani, Marcus Fisch.


Anne Juren