Double publication launch with Varamo Press

A digital sign in a black space saying "one" in red letters

Photo: Antero Hein

On 22nd February, after oslo, there will be a launch of a double publication by VaramoPress with Something Some things Something else by Jeroen Peeters and Not Not Nothing by Mette Edvardsen.

Varamo Press embraces the unexpected and values the arbitrary circumstances in which writing comes into being. Snatching, wording, printing, it gives a paper form to various kinds of literature that have a fleeting life elsewhere.

Something Some things Something else by Jeroen Peeters, 2019
‘My desire is to make a piece with nothing.’
This quest inspired the performance artist Mette Edvardsen to make a series of solo works, from Black to No Title and We to be to oslo. The trail 
of booklets, postcards and ephemera published in their margins provided writer Jeroen Peeters with a particular lense to look into Edvardsen’s detailed world. The encounter yielded three collections for Mette Edvardsen, essays that honour the literary tradition of composing with fragments and loose ends in search of something. Trying to do as little as possible so that a sense of something else might occur – what’s the space of reading such writing?

Not Not Nothing by Mette Edvardsen, 2019
This publication brings together the texts from the pieces Black (2011), No Title (2014), We to be (2015) and oslo (2017) created and performed by Mette Edvardsen. These pieces have been developed using language as material, looking into the relationship between writing and speaking, between language and voice. Mette Edvardsen is working on the verge of the visible, considering choreography as writing.