Jeroen Peeters, with Izabella Borzecka and Benjamin Pohlig And then it got legs: Notes on dance dramaturgy Book Launch

A photo of someone holding a green book with the title "And then it got legs" by Jereon Peeters.

Photo: Mette Edvardsen

Fr 11.11.2022, 17:30-18:30, MDT

Free admission

Drawing on his experience in the field of contemporary dance, in And then it got legs: Notes on dance dramaturgy Jeroen Peeters discusses principles, methods and practices that contribute to an understanding of dramaturgy as an experimental, collaborative practice and a material form of thinking. How do you set up conditions for the work to come about? How do you create a shared ground for exploring the unfamiliar in pursuit of making sense? The book is written from practice and reflects a particular history of collaboration and conversation with various dance-makers.

And then it got legs is published by Varamo Press and will be launched at MDT in the framework of Reading edge library. Dance-making and dramaturgy thrive on embodied knowledge, oral transmission and a culture of commoning. This spirit guides the presentation to curator Izabella Borzecka and dance-maker Benjamin Pohlig who will respond to the book with oral annotations, followed by a conversation with Jeroen Peeters. You can purchase the book at the event.

More on the book: