Knot Body Video and Conversation

Naked body parts tangled in black rope.

Photo: Palle Lindqvist.


A choreographic video piece exploring the limits between knot and body unfolded from the performance piece KNOT BODY. The metamorphoses of a black 1000-metre-long rope: a pile, a lasso, a whip, a snaky line, and then a huge knot, an unknown pattern; an unforeseen ornament between ground contact and vertical tension becomes a huge mass entwining the body. The rope is an object that simultaneously fills and measures the space, a mutable instrument that becomes the body, hides the body and reveals the body. The blackness of the rope in contrast to the skin of the naked body executes an animistic ritual, which seems to imbue a utilitarian object with movement energy, awakening its own inner life. A contemplative exploration of the dynamic relationship between object and subject. Created together with Anna af Sillén de Mesquita & Leandro Zappala and the video artist Palle Lindqvist. It was filmed under artistic residence at MDT during 2016 and is co-produced by MDT and the Cullberg Ballet and is part of the framework of the “Life Long Burning” programme supported by the European Union and the Cullberg Ballet through the Culture Programme 2013-2018.

The video will be looped in studio 1 between 18:00-19:00 and after the performance and talk. Free entry, no reservation required.


We invited the philosopher Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback to reflect from/through the work as a choreographed extension of resonance translated into words. She has been collaborating with QUARTO since 2014, following and in dialogue with the artistic process ever since. Marcia is a specialist in German idealism, contemporary philosophy and aesthetics. Professor of philosophy at Södertörn University in Sweden, she is the translator of Martin Heidegger’s Being and Time into Portuguese. She is also the author of ten books and numerous articles touching upon themes in phenomenology, existentialism, hermeneutics, and political thought.

After the performance on Friday. Available as text on Saturday.