Letters to Process Book Launch

Red poster "LETTERS TO PROCESS", including credit list below.

Letters to Process is an anthology of artists’ writings on the topics of work and process, inspired by Linda Blomqvist’s Selma.

During the process of creating Selma, Linda wrote numerous letters to and for Selma, as if the work itself was a subject – a fictive someone to lean on, dance with and write to. The letters reflect upon artistic work as a relational endeavour, mirroring the emotional bond that arose and developed between the artist and her work over time.

In Letters to Process, Linda and Selma are in the company of fourteen other artists who have written letters to artistic processes of their own. Collectively, the letters make up a diverse archive of observations and meditations on practice and process, unravelling the relational and affective commitments that constitute artist’s work.

During the book launch, editor Anne Vigeland will present Letters to Process, followed by a series of readings by Linda Blomqvist, Stina Nyberg and Rebecca Lindsmyr. The presentation and readings will be in English. The book will be available free of charge.

Editor: Anne Vigeland. Graphic design: Abudi Alsaleh. Participating artists: Diana Agunbiade-Kolawole, Liza Baliasnaja, Linda Blomqvist, Tim Høibjerg, Inez Jönsson, Rebecca Lindsmyr, Theo Livesey, Natasja Mabesoone, Stina Nyberg, pavleheidler, Pontus Pettersson, Nicklas Randau, Adam Seid Tahir, Eirik Senje, Elinor Tollerz Bratteby. Letters to Process has been published as part of a degree project within the International Master’s Programme in Curating Art at Stockholm University.