Th 3.9.2020, 18:00-18:00, MDT
We wish to propose a scenario to My Wild Flag, formulated with a series of questions to explore together within a framework of ‘Non-Performance-Performance’ titled – Inviting ourselves to the table and making a scene.
The first question being – How do we keep our practice dangerous?
Who are we?
‘Museum of impossible forms’
There is information online on who we are as a critical practice.
Here I would like to take you through an experience of walking upto m{if}.
Scent-Scapes indicating the presence of people with sunkissed skin. Shops nearby that sell spices from the global south.
As you approach the small door with a smaller board that reads ‘museum of impossible forms’, very visible to people that visit m{if} regularly.
A composition of people, a shared locality with a bar on the ground floor, a hairdresser, a mosque for Somalian community, club-room for afghani youth – all together existing as effortless statement of art, politics, practice, care, as a bouquet of teaching to transgress.
The hour is hosted by: Research advisor of museumofimpossibleforms Vishnu Vardhani Rajan -Bodyphilosopher.