P.A.R.T.S. Research Studios Info Session with Bojana Cvejić

A picture of three people with the same brown hairstyle and black clothes looking towards a brick wall.

Su 26.2.2017, 14:00-15:00, MDT

Free admission

P.A.R.T.S. Research Studios is a 1-year program dedicated to artistic investigation in choreography, dance, and performance. It is aimed at young dance and performance artists who are curious to engage in an in-depth study of a topic/field contextualized in their own research.

There will be information sessions about the program in several European cities in February. One of these is at MDT 26th February 14:00, lead by Bojana Cvejić.

The program will investigate reflective orality/aurality, how dancing and choreography could be sourced from experimental poetry and music. The criss cross of sound, word, and movement has had a substantial legacy in the 20th century. More recently, poetry has re-emerged in dance and visual art, renewing imagination beyond an instrumental trade in ideas. Comparably, contemporary music explores a new imaginary of sound through the ethnomusicological study of tuning, reinventing instruments and composing sound and bodily movement. These experiments in music and poetry converge in listening: in temporalizing perception and thought, opening up an attitude of reception, and delving into what is not immediately given.

The coordinators of this program, the performance theorist and musicologist Bojana Cvejić and the musician and dramaturge Alain Franco have devised a trajectory of research inputs from a number of choreographers, dancers, composers, musicologists, philosophers, writers such as Michael Beil, Jonathan Burrows, Mette Edvardsen, Tristan Garcia, Mette Ingvartsen, Janne-Camilla Lyster, Luk Vaes, Kristien Van den Brande, Myriam Van Imschoot, Daniel Linehan, François Nicolas, Stefan Prins, Robin Schulkowski and others. Additionally, Cvejić and Franco maintain the collective platform in which the research projects of the participants are embedded. The program is organized on a weekly basis into workshops and seminars (3-5 days long) and periods of self-directed individual or collective research. Participants are strongly encouraged to collaborate with each other.

The program runs from Sept 11, 2017 until Sept 14, 2018 in blocks of 4–8 weeks with 1–2 weeks break and a long Summer break.

The programme is aimed towards young choreographers/performers/ dramaturges who hold at least a BA in choreography/dance/dramaturgy or who have at least 3 years of professional experience. Maximum 12 participants

Preselection by dossier – deadline March 27, 2017 Audition (by invitation only): April 10-13, 2017, in Brussels. Registration and tuition fee: € 5000. Scholarships will be available. Further details about the programme, profile of the participants and application procedure can be found on www.parts.be