Poly - performance conversation

Two people posing with their arms out while making desperate faces with their arms out in front

Photo: Danae Economou

We 6.6.2018, 18:00-19:00, MDT

Free admission

June 6th, as part of Shake it Collaborations festival at Skeppsholmen, Sebastian Lingserius will talk about his work and show an extract from Poly.

Poly is choreography and a dance piece.

Poly is a fictive figure. An assemblage of qualities, ideas and logics. A third option, neither right nor left, but both in the same body. Poly is already rearranged, a body we don’t yet know. Poly is so polyphonic that doesn’t know what self is. Poly will mingle with the audience. Poly is not a figure but a metaphor, or many!

Poly, meaning ”many” or ”much”, might also refer to someone practicing many loves.
Poly, is an attempt for re-thinking mono/poly-gamy, relationality, intimacy and the spatiality of thought. We can be close at a far distance and distant at an arms reach.

With poly-powers we’ll locate our new inner strengths, hunt our interior nipples, and attempt new modes of being ”two-gether” or maybe ”poly-gether”? Poly wonders what it would mean to re-define queer, a new start?

May the poly-force be with you!!!