ICC Residency Activities Schedule 1 - 7 May

ICC the week

The Week - ICC at MDT

ICC (Imaginative Choreographic Center) organises a context together with MDT with several public activities which nourishes discourse practices and critical thinking around performing arts, focusing on the relation between the artist, their processes of institutionalisation and the audience. The Week - ICC at MDT includes the participation and collaboration of Terry Johnson, Sara Bergsmark, Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski, Tove Salmgren, Kajsa Wadhia, Javier Cuevas, Ida Daniel, Aleksandar Georgiev, Zhana Pencheva, Darío Bardam and Viktorija Kostova. All activities, except the opening of ICC Library, will be held in Studio 1. You can find the full schedule further down.

The Week - ICC at MDT is the fourth context organised by ICC followed by The Weekend - ICC (HALLEN, Stockholm), The Month - ICC (Toplocentrala, Sofia) and CCIT (Centro Coreográfico Imaginativo de Tenerife) (Tenerife). 

The Week - ICC at MDT public activities: 

ICC Dreaming 

ICC invites you to take part in a morning dreaming practice based on dynamics of reciprocal motivation as a generator of thought, dialog and action. Start the day with us!


ICC has invited Terry Johnson, Sara Bergsmark, Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski, Tove Salmgren, Kajsa Wadhia and Javier Cuevas to share with the local scene a specific input related to their artistic and cultural practice. 

1. Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski - To imagine a feminist institution.

Through the workshop I would like us to imagine together what a feminist institution can be, to think about its colour and shape, body, politics, principles of work, the practice, and its environment. What are the ethics of it, and can we imagine the ‘institutional turn’ as one based on feministic principles which priorly start with dissemination of power, thus collective work and action. How can we shift our working modes towards it?  How can we create a new feminist-institution imaginary? 

2. Terry Johnson and Sara Bergsmark / Johnson & Bergsmark - Co-thinking and visual mapping: 

We will dedicate this time to exploring co-thinking and visual mapping as tools for defining and expanding different production modes and strategies for oneself and others. We investigate various ways to lead and participate in collaborative settings. As seen on coffee tables and inspirational posters Dolly Parton once said, “Find out who you are and do it on purpose.” How can we work on mirroring for one another the potential that is already present? What does it look like to lean in and hold each other accountable as we find the areas where expansion and growth are necessary?

3. Kajsa Wadhia and Tove Salmgren / Köttinspektionen dans - Choir, flesh and holes:

How can we explore and expand our individual and collective voice through the experience of having/being a body? What space do we want to enhance with that voice, that body? How does sounding/voicing affect our thinking, dreaming and doing as institutional agents? 

We will introduce a practice of sounding/voicing that originates from our performance “From a throat of flesh”, using the body and movement to produce different vocal expressions. Forming a choir, but not for singing. The choir is placed next to a meditation on Sara Vanhee's proposal of dreaming about the institution as a hole in the ground. A collective reading, thinking, talking and dreaming about holes, accompanied by a choir of sounding flesh.

4. Javier Cuevas - Ghost Choreography 

You walk into the room. 

You call upon the invisible. 

"Dear friend, thank you very much for offering me your body and welcoming my ghost spirit. 

From now on you will be me and there will be no difference between us. 

Your body and my body have just merged. 

They are doing it right now, while you listen to these words in silence... 

You can feel it?

Can't you?





Presentation RESEARCH

Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski, Javier Cuevas, Aleksandar Georgiev, Zhana Pencheva and Darío Bardam have been working in a research group format on the topics of imaginative institutions. They will present their research within a game practice. You can find more information about their work here.

ICC Library 

ICC is starting a library which will function through the practice of Book Recommendation. With time ICC will keep track of an ever growing – yet resisting acceleration – list of titles contributed by its affiliates. The catalogue will contain practical, relational and subjective information delivered by the contributors. The start and opening of this library takes place in the frame of the ICC HOT TOPICS programme during The Week - ICC at MDT. This proposal is initiated by Ida Daniel. 

Full Schedule

Monday 1 May

10:00 - 10:40 ICC dreaming

11:00 - 13:00 Input: Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski - To imagine a feminist institution

Tuesday 2 May

10:00 - 10:40 ICC dreaming

11:00 - 13:00 Input: Terry Johnson and Sara Bergsmark / Johnson & Bergsmark - Co-thinking and visual mapping

Wednesday 3 May

10:00 - 10:40 ICC dreaming

11:00 - 13:00 Input: Kajsa Wadhia and Tove Salmgren / Köttinspektionen dans - Choir, flesh and holes + Javier Cuevas - Ghost Choreography 

19:00 - 20:30 Presentation RESEARCH

Sunday 7 May 

18:00 - 20:00 Online opening of ICC Library, led by Ida Daniel

Any questions? Please contact hello@imaginativecc.info or slide into their DM's on Instagram @imaginativecc

This initiative/project has been activated because of the support of ICC, National Cultural Fund - Bulgaria, Goethe Institute through a Creative Europe program called Culture Moves Europe and MDT. 

This work was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.