Margret Sara Guðjónsdóttir Dansalliansen workshop

A portrait of Margret Sara Gudjonsdottir.

Photo: Jon Mortimer.

Workshop with Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir, organised by Dansalliansen.

“This workshop offers an introduction to sensation and state-oriented bodywork. It aims to guide participants towards a so-called Full Drop into the body, in search of potential for an increased presence both on stage and in everyday life. In the greater context, this workshop offers an alternative way of approaching the body itself, and those who work with it on a professional level. It encourages investigation into non-goal orientated movements by tapping into presence, and supports non-manipulative movement research. This process simultaneously questions older concepts of how we relate to your professional body and methods of disciplining and dominating that body in order to gain control over it and have it perform.

My working and teaching methods are grounded in a practice that brings the physiological and psychological states of the body together. Starting each day with 2 hours of a guided myofascial meditation in order to connect with the Empty Body, the medium through which we get to know the movements within the fascia system of the body and beyond. We then elaborate, investigate and integrate the discoveries we make during the remainder of the workshop day. Facing fundamental emotional, psychological and physiological cramps and tightness carried within the body, we work together to unblock these parts of the body. A part of this process is to release the professional dancer’s ‘outside eye’ that observes, judges and separates the dancer from the inner experience, surrendering fully to that which goes beyond the conditioned body memory. This process is healing, as well as an introduction to intensified and new sensorial physical experiences and the distinctive force known as ‘inner flow’.” /Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir