Moa Franzén

Tove Salmgren

Kajsa Wadhia

Picture made by Moa Franzén

Moa Franzén

Since 2018, they as a trio have met in a shared interest in exploring the choreographic potential of the intersection between voice and body.

Based on a feminist critique, they explore how body and voice are connected as co-creators of each other's becoming and liberation, by approaching the materiality of the sounding body in different ways, at the intersection of vocality, breathing and choreography. The work sheds light on the voice as a communicative force and is based on how the voice is woven into ideological and political structures. Structures that are inscribed in our bodies and voices, and at the same time precisely because of that also carry a subversive power to rewrite. They investigate choreo-vocal practices - outside the rhetorical, dramatic and musical fields - and at the same time allow a spectrum of cross-fertilizations between different readings and understandings to arise.

During their residency at MDT in the fall of 2023, they started on a new work, exploring acousmatic voice, metal choreographies and repetition/mutation. The work is a sequel to the previous works "From a throat of flesh" (2018) and "When dancing was done with the lungs" (2022).