OPEN CALL for professional dance and movement artists – residency exchange

Open call research residency

Open call for professional dance and movement artists

MDT Moderna Dansteatern in Stockholm and ICI-CCN in Montpellier launch a joint open a call for two research residencies for artists based in Montpellier and Stockholm, within the frame of the EU project Life Long Burning - Futures lost and found. This call is open to artists from the field of choreography and dance based in Stockholm or Montpellier. Deadline for applications is May 12, 2024.

What’s the offer?

MDT and ICI-CCN both offer a minimum 10-days residency each for two individual artists working with dance/choreography. One artist from Montpellier will be working in Stockholm at MDT and one artist from Stockholm will be working at ICI-CCN, Montpellier.

Each residency offers:

– Travels, per diem and accommodation for one person up to 1680 euro. 

– Each artist receives a fee of 2.500 euro 

– A studio to work in.

– In Montpellier, a residency for one artist and one collaborator could be discussed

Artist from Montpellier

The artist from Montpellier is offered a 14-day residency at MDT in Stockholm between September 2-15th 2024. MDT offers a studio space with the possibility of limited technical support. During the residency it is possible to attend the public program of MDT. If wanted by the artist, a public showing of their research/working process can be arranged.

Artist from Stockholm

The artist from Stockholm is offered a 10 to 14-day residency at ICI-CCN between January the 6th and the 24th. 

ICI-CCN offers a studio space with the possibility of limited technical support and 3 technical shifts. 

ICI-CCN also offers accommodation in the limit of 2 double rooms for the whole period. During the residency it is possible to attend the public program of IC-CCN. If wanted by the artist, a public showing of their research/working process can be arranged.

How to apply?

Please send your application by May the 12th 2024 at latest to both e-mail and


You can respond to this open call by sending a proposal (letter, video, audio description) of the research you will be/are doing. In English, max 800 words. Audio/video max 2 minutes. We would like to get some insights of:

– your dance/choreography background

– your sources of inspiration for this particular research/performance

– how you would like to work during the residency, along with your specific needs and interests.

Please also insert active links to video’s/registrations of earlier works in the email (max. two).

About MDT Moderna Dansteatern

MDT is a co-production platform and one of Sweden’s leading venues for contemporary choreography and performance. We are situated in a reconstructed torpedo workshop on the island of Skeppsholmen in Stockholm and our facilities include one main stage and two studios. We co-produce, host and present both international and Sweden based dance artists with the aim of providing space for both artists and audiences to develop, discuss and experiment within contemporary dance and choreographic practice.

More info:

About ICI-CCN of Montpellier - Occitanie

ICI, for Institut Chorégraphique International (International Choreographic Institute) is a national structure part of a network, built in the 80’s, by the French Ministry of Culture. 

Its specificity is t0 be directed by artists : Dominique Bagouet, Mathilde Monnier and since 2015 Christian Rizzo. 

ICI-CCN develops a transversal vision of creation, training, artistic education and audience outreach. With its foundations firmly set in practices and territories, Christian Rizzo’s project is above all a zone of prospection which integrates artists, writes the score for choreographic act and explores the expression of shared experience.

More info : 

This residency exchange is a LLB Artistic Exchange project of the Life Long Burning Futures Lost and Found. Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Co-funded by the European UnionICI - CCN