Ofelia Jarl Ortega

StM – the short film

Woman dressed in brown with chin pressed towards chest and closed eyes on a black background

Photo: Natan Gullström


Tu 1.6.2021, 20:00-21:00, MDT

We 2.6.2021, 20:00-21:00, MDT

Th 3.6.2021, 20:00-21:00, MDT

Fr 4.6.2021, 20:00-21:00, MDT

Sa 5.6.2021, 20:00-21:00, MDT

Su 6.6.2021, 20:00-21:00, MDT

This short film is based on the performance "StM", where the dancer’s voluntary objectification questions the participation of the observer. In the film the camera is given the role of a subject.

The film premiered 29 April at mdtsthlm.se and was available to stream between 29 April–21 May.
Now available again for a limited period until 6 June.

Ofelia Jarl Ortega

Ofelia Jarl Ortega (b. 1990) is a Chilean-Swedish choreographer and performer based in Stockholm. Her work centers around vulnerability and femininity, often with a suggestive erotic aesthetic; where questions around power and group dynamics are at the core for her investigations. She holds a diploma from The Royal Swedish Ballet School (2010) and a MA in Choreography from Stockholms Konstnärliga Högskola (2014). Her works have been shown at venues such as ImPulsTanz (Vienna), MDT (Stockholm), Inkonst (Malmö), Arsenic (Lausanne), and Moving in November (Helsinki). www.ofeliajarlortega.com

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Choreography and dance

Composer and sound design

Lighting design

Director of photography and editor

Dolly grip and assistant

Dramaturgy and graphic design

Sound advisor and mastering



Supported by

the International Dance Programme at the Swedish Arts Grants Committee and crisis funding from the Swedish Arts Council.

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