Gunilla Heilborn

Kim Hiorthøy

Why I Wear This Shirt

A paint of three abstract people and painting stands.

We 29.11.2017, 18:00-19:00, MDT

Th 30.11.2017, 18:00-19:00, MDT

“This morning I had a singing lesson with Benedikte. She looked tired. I told her this, and she said that she had had an argument with her husband and that she had slept in the basement.”

A man who is alone recounts stories and events from his daily life. He takes singing lessons. He goes to the movies. He performs a series of physical exercises in his back yard. Before long, he finds himself lost in an endless, snowy landscape. But it could also be different.

"Why I Wear This Shirt" is a solo performance that makes use of language and movement as well as the throwing of objects and the lighting of lamps or matches.

Gunilla Heilborn and Kim Hiorthøy have worked together in various ways on various projects for more than 10 years. Their collaboration over the years has become a kind of long conversation, and "Why I Wear This Shirt" is the culmination of that conversation.

Gunilla Heilborn

Gunilla Heilborn is a choreographer and film maker based in Stockholm. After studies at the Tamalpa Institute in San Francisco, USA and the program of choreography at the University of Dance in Stockholm 95-98 she has created performances and movies for both adult and children audience. Heilborns’ unique way of combining text, motion, video and images spiced with dry humor, has given her an indisputable position as one of Sweden’s most interesting performance and film artists.

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Kim Hiorthøy

Kim Hiorthøy is a graphic designer, artist and musician from Norway. He was educated at The Art Academy in Trondheim, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art, and School of Visual Arts in New York. During 2010–2011 he took a master’s degree in choreography at the Schoolof Dance and Circus in Stockholm (DOCH). Hiorthøy has written music for dance as well as released records of his own music. His first feature film “The Rules of Everything” premiered in 2017.

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Text, choreography, light, sound, room, clothes

With support from

The Swedish Arts Council, The Arts Council Norway, The Swedish Arts Grants Committee