Lö 7.9.2024, 17:00-19:00, MDT
a guttering undersöker möten runt middagsbordet för att främja queergemenskapen och vårt ömsesidiga beroende. Titeln är en ordlek på 'gathering', 'gut' och 'gutter'. Verket utforskar och spränger formatet för en middag och dess tillkomst. I denna sammankomst möter gemenskap fermentering som möter queer som möter somatisk som möter accessbehov som möter matsuveränitet som möter arbetsvillkor som möter sociala koreografier som möter dekoloniala praktiker som möter berättande. a guttering är grundad i deltagandepraktiker och under My Wild Flag kommer det att manifesteras som en kollektiv matlagning och en gemensam middag. Gruppen arbetar för att synliggöra arbetet bakom matproduktion och de resurser som behövs för detta, genom att undergräva traditionella metoder och värderingar vid middagsbordet, för att skapa medvetenhet.
MWF Talks
My Wild Flag (Karina Sarkissova och Pontus Pettersson) har bjudit in Runa Borsch Skolsteg från den nya dansfestivalen i Oslo Mind Eater och Julia Celejewska från det queerfeministiska kollektivet Kem i Warszawa till Stockholm. I samband med programpunkten “a guttering” på festivalen kommer vi att fortsätta att prata och dela idéer, erfarenheter, behov och drömmar. i ett ständigt krympande kulturklimat frågar vi oss själva, liksom det lokala queer- och kultursamhället:
-Hur organiserar vi oss?
-Hur har vi organiserat oss och hur vill vi fortsätta organisera oss i framtiden när våra förutsättningar för att skapa konst ständigt krymper?
-Vilka är möjligheterna för konst och konstnärsdrivna utrymmen?
-Behövs konst? Hur då?
-Kan vi tänka på alternativa sätt att producera konst när det inte finns några kulturpengar kvar till queera rum och marginella förslag?
- Hur kan vi inspirera varandra till att fortsätta självorganisera?
Sal Reis Trouxa is a plant-based chef working with sustainability, zero-waste and fermentation. They are especially interested in the politics and social aspects around food and culture. Growing up in a self-sustaining community made by their grandparents in rural Portugal, Sal’s roots continuously inspire them to work with food both as a necessity and as a point of connection and togetherness. In the recent years they have worked as an assistant cook for artist Mirna Bamieh in her project Palestine Hosting Society and choreographer Samah Hijawi. Whilst working professionally as a chef, they have also done catering for multiple artist projects and festivals. Meanwhile they are developing their own ferments from grains sustainably produced in Scandinavia.
Sarasvati Shrestha is an artist and horticulturist working at the intersection between art, design and horticulture. Through intermedial works, gardens and farm work, sculptures, installations, education, social and performative practices, the work is often driven by issues around value systems, food, circularity, access to land and health. Through cultivation and primary production of vegetables, she has expanded her work to collaborate with social movements, artists, activists, farmers, friends and family, by raising questions around working conditions, ownership, geopolitical conflicts and accountability. Guided by queer ecologies and strategies that resist colonial and binary logics, her work centers around tracing routes to nurture a societal transition towards food sovereignty, agroecology and solidarity.
Ar Utke Ács is working as an artist within contemporary dance and an expanded understanding of choreography. They work with the poetics and politics of the body in the seams of performance, dramaturgy, text, installation, the social and the imaginary. Ar Utke Ács working with discourse in proximity with their artistic production, in particular, they are busy with counter- hegemonic strategies from queer and crip writing and lived experience. Collaborative and collective processes builds the core of their body of work and Ar Utke Ács often works across different fields and mediums of art and research. Throughout the past years, they have created a series of works focusing on affect landscapes and subversive poetics of positioning oneself non-verbally, including their first major performance production echoes. They are currently working on Thrash Mob, a commission for ESC Youth Company, which deals with social choreographies and alternative Dance History. Furthermore they are currently working on the first piece of their unapparent trilogy which will premiere in 2025 co-produced by MDT (SE) and Dansehallerne (DK). Ar Utke Ács is a part of the queer art club collective fake daughter, which has organized queer art gatherings since 2019, as well as the studio cooperatives Dance Cooperative in Copenhagen and höjden studios in Stockholm.
A guttering
MWF Talks