Gisèle Vienne

Born in 1976, Gisèle Vienne is a franco-austrian artist, choreographer and director. After graduating in Philosophy, she studied at the puppeteering school Ecole Supérieure Nationale des Arts de la Marionnette. There she met Etienne Bideau-Rey with whom she created her first shows. She works regularly with, amongst other, the writers Dennis Cooper and Catherine Robbe-Grillet, the musicians Peter Rehberg (also known as Pita) and Stephen O’Malley, the light designer Patrick Riou and the actor Jonathan Capdevielle. The current works in progress are an exhibition at the FRAC Alsace for March 2016, an interpretation of Blue Beard’s Castle of Béla Bartok for La Monnaie-De Munt in Brussels for spring 2017, and a dance project for fall 2017. Her company is supported by le Ministère de la culture et de la communication – DRAC Alsace, la Région Alsace and la Ville de Strasbourg. The company is also supported by Institut Français for international touring. Gisèle Vienne is associate artist at the theater Nanterre-Amandiers from 2014 and at Parvis, Scène nationale de Tarbes-Pyrénées since 2012.