On 6.9.2017, 20:00-21:00, MDT
To 7.9.2017, 20:00-21:00, MDT
"Circle LUX 9" renders the body as raw material that can attain different qualities, textures and properties. It exhibits the body as a construction that we can fit into and burst but also as a surface that we can project upon. It strives towards a shifting subject, a constant dissolving of cultural and social codes at the same time as it playfully merges and utilizes its different expressions without ever wanting to belong to a specific identity. "Circle LUX 9" is a perpetual transformation of the body, the space and the relation created in between. Passing through different spaces, evoking intimacy and imagination it moves between landscape and display. It’s s an intensification of the presence which leaves traces and anticipates the future in an ongoing loop. Always on the move, in a constant becoming. "Circle LUX 9" proposes the concept of a “magic circle” as a place where temporary worlds within the ordinary world can occur.
Linda Blomqvist är född i Stockholm 1985. Hennes arbete syftar till att expandera begreppet koreografi med fokus på alternativa produktionssätt, processer och praktiker ur ett spekulativt perspektiv, genom olika former och uttryck. Linda studerade dans på Kungliga Svenska Balettskolan 1995-2004 och på P.A.R.T.S 2008-2010. Hon har arbetat med koreografer som Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Mårten Spångberg, Eva Lundqvist och Florentina Holtzinger bl.a. Tillsammans med Emma Daniel, Adriano Wilfert Jensen och Anna Gaiotti har hon drivit plattformen Indigo Dance. Vid sidan av dansen praktiserar hon även som Doula.
Koreografi och performance
Med stöd av
The Swedish Arts Grants Committee
MDT, CCAP, PAF and Rosas