Kitsch illustration of dolphins jumping in the sunset with pink text saying dance dance history

On 16.10.2019, 20:00-21:00, MDT

To 17.10.2019, 13:00-14:00, DANSISTAN föreställning

To 17.10.2019, 10:00-13:00, DANSISTAN föreställning

To 17.10.2019, 20:00-21:00, MDT

Not not a dance class
Not not a performance
Not not dance history
Not not dance

Perhaps an experiential form which invites you, the audience, to attend a dance class.
An art piece where being choreographed to dance is the artwork, but
who gets to decide what is  “dance”?!
How is our experience of moving a part of the monolith DANCE?!

Let us together share in a dance class and become the bearers of dance history, let us become dance history, let us dance dance history.


NB: Limited tickets!
Dress to impress! Strike that Dress to DANCE!


PETER is a choreographer, a dance maker, a dance dance dance… maker, a dance, a dancer, a person, a bodies, a community, an aerobics instructor, an activist, an anarchist, an artist, art, a child, a cleaner, a candidate, a biography, a list, a ex-, a non-ex-, a title, a name, a document, a history, a challenge, an author, a moment, a smart ass, an annoyance, a liar, not peter, alive, another, a promise, practice, problem, performance, place, position, parameter, predictable, pest, pretense, plan, pipe, pop, pfff…

Peter Mills is a dancer, performer, choreographer, artist, activist, researcher, teacher, mentor and YMCA certificated aerobics instructor. Peter has a MA in choreography from Dans och Cirkushögskolan.

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Alica Tserkovnaja, Am Ertl, Amanda Östholm, Anna Öberg, Aurore D’Audiffret, Charlotta Ruth, Danilo Alexandre, Ellen Söderhult, Emma Tolander, Frida Sandström, Julia Hannukainen, Ofelia Jarl Ortega, Pontus Pettersson, Robert Malmborg, Sara Bergsmark, Sara Mörk, Sofia Romberg, Meeri Mäkinen.

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