Lustholmen: Bergspråk (displaced)

"Bergspråk (förskjuten)".

Photo: Peter Rosvik

We 7.6.2023, 18:00-20:00, Partly outdoors, meeting point: MDT’s upper entrance, Slupskjulsvägen 32

Lustholmen 2023 opens with Bergspråk (displaced), a programme of testimonies from within the mountain on events beyond the geography of Stockholm. Bergspråk (displaced) gives voice and body to eco-sensitive works as somatic rituals. This is an eco-facilitated programme by DACE - Dance Art Critical Ecology - that enhances deep listening, the philosophy of jojking and empowerment.

Bergpråk (displaced) encompass the exhibition Divina Presencia by Amanda Piña, which will be on display throughout the festival in Studio 2, and the sound work Tender Walks Being Woven by Kristin Nango, which can be experienced outdoors and enjoyed twice daily at 12:00 and 18:00. On June 7th, an interwoven programme will be presented including the joik work Gulahallat Eatnamiin: We Speak Earth by Ánte Mikkel Gaup & Inger Biret Gaup, the dance ritual Bones by Amanda Piña and Walking, drumming, dancing by Tone Johannessen & Mariê Mazer / Rhizome collective. The evening ends with appeals and a party!

Bergspråk (displaced) 7 June

Outdoors, meeting point: MDT:s upper entrance, Slupskjulsvägen 32

18:00 Gathering, DACE – Dans Konst Kritisk Ekologi/Rickard Borgström & Rebecca Chentinell

18:05 - 18:30 Tender Walks Being Woven, Kristin Nango

18:30 - 18:50 Gulahallat Eatnamiin: We Speak Earth, Ánte Mikkel Gaup & Inger Biret Gaup

18:50 - 19:30 Bones, Amanda Piña

19:30 - 20:00 Walking, drumming, dancing, Tone Johannessen & Mariê Mazer/Rhizome collective

20:00 - 20:30 Appeals:

Memory of a place, Marit Shirin Carolasdotter & Linnéa Sundling

The Living, Regan McEnroe/Fältbiologerna

Testimony from Gállok, Tor Lennart Tourda

21:00 - 00.00 Discoverer of Europe Presents: (something) - An idiosyncratic High North music mix, Uyarakq 

The programme on the 7th is free but space is limited. You can secure your spot here.


Dance Art Critical Ecology that enhances deep listening, the philosophy of jojking and empowerment.

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Marit Shirin Carolasdotter, Linnéa Sundling, Regan McEnroe/Fältbiologerna, Tor Lennart Tourda, Uyarakq (Aqqalu Berthelsen)

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Stockholm Toy Museum

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