On 4.12.2019, 22:00-23:00, MDT
To 5.12.2019, 22:00-23:00, MDT
"FIEBRE" is a choreographic work departing from a fictional landscape exploring a sensual gooey material. "FIEBRE" comes from a desire of creating an intimate, inceptive space where three dancers progressively explore the possibilities of a viscous and sentimental apparatus. Moving through trajectories of physical states, erotic togetherness, sexuality, sincereness and rawness. "FIEBRE" intents to imagine other ways of being together for thresholding and transformation. Eroticism becomes a source of empowerment where desire, disgust and alienation are free to coexist and feed each other.
"FIEBRE", is build on cooperation and care, the work relies essentially on the group. Re-framing the inherited hierarchies of the different parts of labor in such a work and their respective visibilities aiming to shake up structural ways of putting cheer to the singular author.
Tamara Alegre (IC/CH)
Tamara Alegre works with dance and choreography. Born in Gran Canaria, they studied European Business and Psychology and worked as an underground music curator, dj and tour manager until 2016.
In 2018, she obtained an MA in Choreography at DOCH, Stockholm and premiered FIEBRE, co-signed since 2019, with Lydia Östberg Diakité, Marie Ursin, Nunu Flashdem and Célia Lutangu. The work has been presented in several venues in Europe and won the Young Choreographer's Award in 2021.Their research revolves around sensual embodiments, fictions on sexuality/sexual organs and liminal physical states as choreographic tools. Her works are embodied and charged with resistance, intensity, self-pleasure and the power of dancing together.
Tamara has a growing passion for Dancehall and questions how to position themselves as a white person having access to black culture. As well as how to navigate between their work and Dancehall. The combination of working as a dancer, making work, hosting workshops and being involved in collaborative practices is essential for her.
Lydia Östberg Diakité är en dansare, koreograf och facklig organisatör som sedan 2013 är baserad i Köpenhamn. Ö. Diakité inspireras av och refererar i sitt arbete till populärkulturella fenomen, hyper-performativitet, samtidskritik och ömhet. Dessa teman och koncept gestaltas i verken EMBRACE och CRY BABY. Ö. Diakité arbetar med en intersektionell feministisk ingång i sina konstnärliga processer och praktiserar avkolonisering av konstskapandet och ser ett värde i att forma nya kollektiva verkligheter. Ö. Diakité la grunden till Dance Cooperative och driver det tillsammans med 15 konstnärer i Köpenhamn. Sedan 2019 sitter Ö. Diakité i styrelsen av The Union, en fackförening som arbetar mot eliminerandet av rasism på kultur och konstscenen i Danmark.
Nunu Flashdem is an Afro Swiss dancer and plus-size model living in Zurich and moving to London in 2020. She is a professional Dancehall dancer and teacher. Performing at different events and concerts, for example for Kranium, Charly Black, Cali P… and video shoots all over Europe. In 2018, Nunu created Flashdem Entertainment together with Sunny Flashdem.
Marie Ursin is a Norwegian dancer and choreographer. She graduated from DOCH in 2013 and is based in Berlin and Oslo. Since then she has been collaborating with Alexandra Tveit, Tamara Alegre, Nikima Jagudajev, Cecilé Bally, Marie Nikazm Bakken, Fredrik Floen and Runa Borch Skolseg amongst others. Ursin, together with Tveit, is the artistic director of Scene:Bluss an annual experimental performing arts platform in Porsgrunn where they make residences, performances, workshops and everything in between. Currently she is in residency at Kanuti Gildi Saal together with Tveit preparing for this years Scene:Bluss Bedbug edition.
Célia Lutangu is a Swiss curator and promotor with values. Currently based in Brussels, she co-organises two event projects: Leaving Dakota and Bledarte. With the first, together with Seelik Mutti, they encourage artistic exchange between local artists and art collectives based outside of Belgium that they invite through exhibitions, parties, talks, projection or workshops. Bledarte is a non-mixed collective of racialised women based in Brussels. Célia and her sisters aim to offer space for thinker, artists and clubbers descendant of immigrants. They are also active against police brutalities and any opressions non-white youth can face in Belgium. In June 2018 and then in September 2019 they organised a two-day festival that proved to be a great success. Célia is also know under the dj name of Wutangu, when she’s spinning tracks as a dj around Europe or for the artist Jardin.
Scenografi och scenassistans
Yttre öga
Särskilt tack till
Klara Utke Acs, Benedicte Eggesbø och Ali Abdelkhalek.
Möjliggjorts med stöd från
Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Fluxum Foundation, Nestlé Art Foundation, SIS och Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia. Arsenic – Contemporary Performing Arts Center, Lausanne och DOCH, Stockholms konstnärliga högskola.
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