Må 27.7.2020, 20:00-21:00, MDT
In the pre-christian north vikings believed in many gods and practiced magic. Their practice of magic was called sejd. Depending on who you ask, a galdr was a magical song or a chant and part of the sejd. Some believe these galdrs were used in battle in order to weaken the enemies swords and lower their shields or to help a woman through childbirth. Some believe that these songs were sung in a high pitched voice because the word gala, meaning falsetto, derives from galdr. Some believe it was chanted on a low almost inaudible tone.
There are many theories about the viking’s culture, customs and general way of life, but we can know very little for sure. Christianity did, has always done, a very thorough, bloody and effective job at erasing cultures. However a general consensus among experts and researchers seem to be that practising sejd was a female profession and any non-female who practiced it was deemed ergi. Ergi can be translated to "unmanly" and "sexually shameful".
At the same time, Odin, the all-father, the god of war and the dead but also poetry, is considered the greatest sejdare (practitioner of magic). They knows 18 powerful galdrs and they can shape shift.
Odin is the one who experiences and the experience. They is the subject and the object, the one who gives and the one who receives. They has many names: Svidur, the one who burns. Svidrir, the one who is burned. Göt, the one who ejaculates. Jalk, the castrated. Ofnir, the initiator. Sváfnir, the finisher. Tveggi, the one who is two. Triggi, the one who is three. Fjolnir, the one who is many.
I’d rather be beautiful than male
I am the eternal seeker of wisdom
Because I’d rather be wise than male
I remain tender and soft
Because I’d rather be soft than male
– Marc Aguhar
This performance is a collaboration with Proud Performing Arts, initiated by Scensverige/Swedish ITI. Proud Performing Arts is a global network that aims to empower, encourage and elevate performing arts with a LGBTQ+ perspective and artists working with the matter. The network is a platform for solidarity and inspiration and strives to bring forward the different conditions for LGBTQ+ people all around the world.
Marcus Baldemar (1985), född och uppvuxen i Kiruna, arbetar som dansare och koreograf och har under de senaste 14 åren verkat som frilans inom scenkonstområdet med Europa som bas. Han utbildades vid Balettakademien i Umeå, SEAD i Salzburg, Österrike samt P.A.R.T.S. i Bryssel, Belgien. Marcus har samarbetat med en rad koreografer som dansare och/eller som medskapare. I egenskap av koreograf har han bl a skapat verken GALDR (2019), Polari Speaking Sex (2021) och Markus Lär Sig Finska (2021).
Dans i Nord
,MDT Moderna Dansteatern
Med stöd av
Dans i Nord and Swedish Arts Council. This presentation is part of Life Long Burning – Towards a sustainable Eco-System for Contemporary Dance in Europe project (2018-2022) supported by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.
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