Peter Mills

Ida Sidenvall

photo from Ida and Peters residency

Photo by: Ida and Peter

Hi, My name is PETER, I am not IDA. We dance together. We are interested in being near each other.This spring we began our plans to take over the world. We don't care how we do it. As long as we can dance. We have plans to infiltrate big business and make them pay. Have them pay us to teach them so we can dance. To dance creatively with experience, to stop moving, listen, and ask questions like “I am here?”, “is that over there, over there?”. So if you want to hire us, we are for sale. Which is all cool and everything so long as we can dance our dance. Workshop baby.

Hi, I´m ida.
Sometimes there is a hidden playfulness that surprises the other in our teamwork, and sometimes there is just a silent concentration. And sometimes we just move on and on and on. In general there is a flow of creativity which means that nothing is ever what it seems to be. Nothing. We strive to question everything. And we want to change direction constantly, in playful ways. It is how we change the path that is the interesting part.
Like PETER mentioned, we are interested in the workshop format. Personally I can´t wait for this to start.
He also wrote that we want to take over the world. I wouldn't write that myself but I think I understand what he meant which I translate with my own words:

We have something important to share. We cannot wait anymore. We are working with an opening of the space, and we believe the world is craving this in all areas. So basically we are just doing our duty.

What do we do? We come from dance and choreography and I, Ida, also come from cranio sacral therapy. We are a team, but yet so different from each other which is the enriching part. We have fun together. Hire us, yes. We are in.

Follow us on instagram @ida_and_peter.